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Hello Fat Boy Collectors! I'm offering a replacement nib for your Fat Boy Fountain Pen in case you accidentally drop your pen and bend up the nib. Stainless Steel Nib with Iridium Point; Fine, Medium or Broad + Stainless Steel Clip + Screw In Converter (not pictured) + Extra Cap/Rear Sealing O-Rings (not pictured)
FREE SHIPPING! (select First-Class/Priority Mail... as shipping method)
HOME Maintenance Tips for Fountain & Roller Ball:
1) Use a small amount of vasoline on the inside rim of the fountain or roller ball caps to keep them well lubricated.
2) For less mess, fill the fountain pen converter first then screw into pen so the ribs under the nib are not saturated with excessive ink that needs to be cleaned off with a cloth or towel. (as is the case if you dip the entire nib into the bottle of ink & then suck up the ink)
Home Repair is Easy: (screw in/out nib & feeder unit as one piece)
Replacing Nib: Unscrew the Rear Fountain Pen Barrel & Remove the screw in converter or international cartridges. Next hold the front aluminum gripping body (where the rubber rings are) and in a pinching fashion hold the top and bottom of the nib & feeder unit then unscrew it (counter clockwise) from the front aluminum gripper body. Take out the new nib (remove/discard plastic nib cover) and hold it the same way and screw it into the front aluminum gripping body.(clockwise) Firmly snug up the nib & feeder unit into the front aluminum gripper body tightly. Re-install the screw in converter or international cartridge & screw Rear Fountain Pen Barrel back together.
Replacing Clip - Snap the Clip over the Cap.
If you need assistance email me. If we can't repair the problem by email, I am happy to fix your pen. Mail your pen with a $35 Check that will cover All Repairs and shipping back to you via First Class Mail in a bubble pack envelope. (If you prefer a different shipping method then I'll have to quote you the additional return UPS Ground shipping cost after receiving the pen.)
Mail Fountain Pen with $35 Check To:
Michael's Pens LLC
1123 Miami Trail
Bremen, IN 46506
Contact Information: MichaelsPensLLC@yahoo.com |