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Ready, Aim, Fire Michael’s Civil War Cannons Collection. Machined from heavy, solid bronze bars into the accurate cannon shapes of the Confederate States, Macon Arsenal Foundry and the United States, Boston, MA Foundry. Each pen has detailed markings found on the real 1863 bronze cannons located at the Gettysburg battlefield.
A customized desk cannon stand is available for each. Limited to 388 pens each. (inclusive of Mechanical Pencils in 0.7mm or 0.5mm – same price as the ball pen) Note: The bronze barrels will naturally oxidize (change into a darker finish) over time unless buffed and may exhibit tiny random pinholes on the surface like the real cannons.
 | (Change Cell Phone View to "Desktop View" to Order) #00890 Gettysburg Bronze Confederate States No. 14 Cannon
|  |  | (Change Cell Phone View to "Desktop View" to Order) #00891 Gettysburg Bronze United States No. 242 Cannon ALL U.S. CANNONS ARE SOLD OUT - (Even Early Demo's with Partial Lasering)

|  |  | (Change Cell Phone View to "Desktop View" to Order) CANNON STAND (U.S. Cannon in Cradle)
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Contact Information: MichaelsPensLLC@yahoo.com |